Primary science

BEE AWARE! World Bee Day - Living Things Science Lessons
Year 1 and 2 - Science
Big idea: Living Things have similar basic needs.
Students learn to identify how living things meet their needs in the places they live.
Related Aus Content descriptors - AC9S1U01/AC9S1102
We are learning to:
Identify the places where plants and animals live and the features of the place that enable it to meet bees needs.
Identify comparing the needs of a variety of different types of living things.
Follow safe procedures to make and record observations.
We can:
Describe the features of the place where bees live.
Explain how the place where the bees live, provides air, water, food or shelter to meet the needs of the bees.
Safely conduct the honey making experiment.
Key vocabulary: pollination, food, nectat, pollen, flowers, fruit, veegtables
Lessons linked to World Bee Day:
Inquiry - What is a bee?
What is the function of a bee’s different body parts?
Let’s make honey experiment!
Bee hotel designs